How To Be More Intuitive
Ever feel like you “lost” your intuition?
Or never had it to begin with?
I’m asked about intuition a LOT.
Specifically, how to get some {note the underlying assumption that you don’t have it}.
I deeply understand the desperation and longing in the questioning. I remember a period of time in my own life where it seemed like I didn’t have any intuition, either. I felt lost, unsure of what to do, and distant from myself. I used to get a lot of migraines and headaches back then. And when I didn’t have one, I felt really “in my head” a lot, avoiding feeling and intuitively moving through life. Trying to figure it out in my intellectual brain by rationalizing, making lists, asking everyone under the sun for their opinion, searching everywhere outside myself for the “right” answers. It was exhausting. And it wasn’t helping.
The truth is: I had intuition all along.
I was just choosing to downplay it or outright ignore it, in favor of trying to see things the way I wished they were- not as they truly were. I was really invested in NOT listening to my inner wisdom. Looking back, I can now recognize how much I was actually picking up on {in relationships with liars and manipulators}, but reeeallly didn’t want to see- because then I would have had to make a bunch of choices I didn’t want to have to make.
I was subconsciously protecting the view of the world I preferred to have, not the one that was actually right in front of me. I didn’t want to see the truth: not only was I manufacturing a false reality and being lied to, cheated on, and manipulated regularly, but I was putting myself last and bending over backwards to try make it look like I had the relationship I really wanted {and definitely didn’t have}. I was avoiding seeing myself as someone who was being mistreated, because way down deep I knew it was clear I wasn’t going to get better from this person. They’d shown me clearly they weren’t capable or willing.
But I didn’t want to leave so I subconsciously decided my best option was to take it all on myself and fix it somehow. As if I could. If I convinced myself I “didn’t know” what was really going on, I wouldn’t have to deal with the actual reality, right? I wouldn’t have to hold others to the respect I deserved and wasn’t giving to myself. Whoa.
So yeah, I know a thing or two about wanting more intuition- or more accurately, something, anything! that would help me navigate the confusion I felt.
Rather than ask how to become intuitive {because you already are},
ask how to regain and practice trust in your intuition again. Because the answer will lead you to repair the damaged relationship with self, instead of focusing all your attention on trying to maintain or create attachment to someone or something else. And that re-direct of intention, energy, and effort can change everything.
There are plenty of signs that you’re already intuitive, even if you aren’t acknowledging it:
the stomachache that flares every time your mother-in-law passive-aggressively demeans your parenting choices
the confusing feeling of sheer panic that rises in you when Aunt Sally repeatedly and “kindly” offers to help your family with household expenses
the shoulder pain that began when your partner lost their job years ago and, despite promises of action, never really made effort to get a new one
the recurring dream where you “inexplicably” ask your long-time friend to get out of your car and you lock the doors as you speed away in terror
being introduced to your sister’s new boyfriend and, without “proof” to the contrary, feeling sure that he’s completely untrustworthy, despite his obvious charm and friendly demeanor
knowing and feeling that your partner is full of rage, although they act calm and happy in word and action and shut you down if you ask about the anger you’re picking up on
feeling extremely exhausted around certain people and very energized around others
…and so many more.
So, where do we begin?
First, we focus on building self-awareness from the ground-up. We dismantle the way you’ve learned to see yourself through the filters imposed by society, family systems, cultural norms, and more. In seeing yourself newly, you learn to observe your own patterns and thoughts- but without judgment and criticism undermining you. Understanding who you are and why you do the things you do with curiosity and openness is foundational to building self-trust. This is where we find and release the limiting beliefs and blocks that have stood between you and your intuition.
Second, I show you how to work with the “language” your body, mind, emotion, and energy speaks. Seeing how your body and mind are already at work on your behalf, bringing truth to you on a daily basis, can be surprising. You already have more intuition and knowledge {beyond the intellectual} than you realize.
Your bodymind is always speaking to you, communicating energetically and intuitively. You just haven’t been valuing or acting upon those messages. Seeing the interconnectedness between your physical, mental, and emotional bodies helps expand your understanding of what you’re truly capable of accessing and knowing. It’s literally like discovering a superpower you didn’t know you had.
And then, we practice. A lot. {See my blog on using a pendulum to begin}. Bringing intuition into your everyday life is essential. And fun! We want it to be like new software, continually running in the background. Otherwise, switching back-and-forth between your natural, intuitive self and some other version of you where that’s kept tightly under wraps will literally burn you out and create disharmony in the body-mind.
You were created to be an intuitive, whole, integrated being.
Putting effort- even subconsciously- into being any other way will create imbalance that will only continue to try to get your attention with symptom after symptom. Not to hurt you, but to try to focus you toward expressing your true, intuitive self.
Don't wait for those signals to get louder; integrate and honor your intuition now.