from obstacle to opportunity

Obstacles happen.

That you experience them isn’t the problem. Continuing the unhelpful pattern of engagement- when your higher self knows better- is.

Obstacles- and how they show up-provide a personalized road map for your healing journey.

Book your Aligned 90 session to get your road map:

Have you experienced these obstacles?


We internalize stories as objective truth, creating belief systems from them. They’re really just filters for how we see things, created from our own perception. Sometimes we re-write our own history {or someone else does}. You may even be carrying the heavy weight of a story that never really belonged to you. Stories hide out in the subconscious, often developed in early childhood. You accepted a story as Truth at some point, but have outgrown it. Continuing to invest in that story is no longer serving you, but you may not consciously recognize the need to release it in order to align with a new, better narrative.


You may be progressing well, doing all the “right things,” when the inexplicable happens- progress stops for no clear reason. The old fixes stop working. A wall is a self-created stumbling block that occurs when your subconscious self clearly sees something your conscious self can’t or won’t. It’s a red flag meant to force your attention where it’s most needed. How a wall shows up- whether physically, mentally, spiritually, energetically, or emotionally- is rooted in limiting beliefs you hold about yourself and how you relate to the world.


Communication between body and mind must be clear and harmonious. If not, a warring state develops as way down deep, you believe two opposing things at once. You’ll recognize self-conflict because this complete lack of alignment creates bone-deep exhaustion, numbness and difficulty making decisions and following through.


Projecting our stuff onto others is a rejection of our own power. Often, what bugs us most about other people is what we most dislike about ourselves. It’s painful to take responsibility for our weak spots; it’s easier to assume a false sense of superiority by focusing on everyone else‘s faults. Positioning ourselves solely as the one being wrongly victimized allows us to escape scrutiny ourselves- and keeps us locked into the very dynamic we most want to escape and heal from.


Triggers are people or experiences that appear to “make” you feel or react a certain way. It feels like you can’t do anything about triggers and have little control over your reactions. Overreactions seem like a personal failure. We experience them as weakness, an absence of willpower, or lack of control. But triggers point to deep emotional hurts that ask for healing. Their presence isn’t to hurt you, but to highlight your innate desire to learn, heal, and evolve into the best version of yourself. A trigger is actually an invitation into deep growth and healing.

Blind Spots

Intentionally working on personal development doesn’t necessarily make it easier to see your own stuff. You can feel better- even appear to be better- but not actually be better. A blind spot is something we’re subconsciously invested in NOT seeing. There can be all sorts of benefits to hiding the truth from ourselves. Blind spots foster a lack of authenticity, even if you appear to be successful by standard measures. Working with someone who can neutrally locate your blind spots more clearly than you can is essential.


Repeatedly choosing to ignore your intuition- what you Know to be True- is serious self-harm on a soul level. Over time, this self-injury spirals into manifesting in the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Coming back into trust with yourself and healing past self-betrayal is one of the most important steps of your healing journey.


No matter how many green smoothies you drink or affirmations you speak, you simply cannot be unhealthy somewhere in your life and expect to be well overall. You were designed to be a whole, healthy, integrated being. It’s impossible to make up for lack in one area of your being by overachieving in another. Imbalance and dysfunction can’t and won’t be confined to just one area of your life. Compensating is a form of self-distraction that gives the illusion of control.

With intuitive energy healing, you can literally cut the cords between you and the pain, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotage that are blocking you.

But rather than repeatedly cutting cords that keep re-attaching, we also heal the deeply-held wounds and patterns that made you a port for those cords in the first place.

You’re always innately striving for alignment, growth, and healing. Even if you feel stuck in the process.

Together, we’ll shift the obstacles to opportunities…and create an energetic foundation that supports belief, thought, feeling, and behavior aligned with the transformation you were created for.

Triggers are your teachers.