Stress, anxiety, and generally bad thinking

Stress, worry, anxiety, anger, and even depression are meant to be useful. Because that stuff is supposed to be temporary.

When you operate mostly from a balanced, healthful state it’s easier to notice the occasional slip. Maybe it’s poor self-talk, angry defensiveness when you feel criticized, inability to speak when your toxic boss enters the room, or anxiety when you feel lonely.

When that stuff shows up, you’re supposed to be triggered into resolving what’s happening and getting yourself back into balance.

But when an imbalanced state of mind morphs from a just-noticeable temporary condition into a chronic and extreme state of being, it no longer seems unusual.

Don’t accept what’s common as normal.

 transmutation: finding Purpose in Pain

“Negative” states of mind exist for good reason: so your body-mind-spirit can direct you to look below the surface and heal the long-held pattern, not just the immediate trigger. Your subconscious self isn’t trying to hurt you. It’s trying to get you to transform the painful experience into deep growth.

If you ignore or miss the signal, more extreme ways of getting your attention will show up. Why? Because humans innately strive to evolve, grow, and transform- we just resist it because it’s damn uncomfortable.

Pain, imbalance, and general stuck-ness are signs of a roadblock in your personal evolution. Even if you’ve been hurt by circumstances outside of your control, you have control over finding opportunity, purpose, and healing in what happened.

When you feel imbalanced or disconnected, you’re being prompted to look within and heal the original wound to create a stronger, wiser, better you.

Self-Sabotaging thoughts + behaviors aren’t YOU, it’s just your conditioning.

“My sessions with Lisa have always been incredibly eye opening. It's amazing what is stored in our subconscious mind and how through Lisa's work we can resolve old traumas, negative stories and patterning, and restore a sense of peace and wellbeing to my body and mind. I always leave our visits feeling like the very cells of my body are calmer. I tend to be a more anxious person and together we have been able to make some great breakthroughs with my anxious tendencies. Highly highly recommend her!”

- Morgan K.

I offer monthly Neurofeedback system rentals locally to support healing and optimization of mental states.