quantum uplevel

Customized Healing + Personal Growth Transformation

 QUANTUM UPLEVEL is a completely personalized 4-month Immersion focused on YOU.

The key to shifting beyond just feeling, looking, or having better is to actually become better.

A fully-supportive immersion provides the foundation to align your thoughts, behaviors, and actions with your Purpose.

Here, you discover yourself, accept yourself, and express and attract from the highest, most aligned and activated version of yourself.

You’ll re-build from the inside-out, creating authentic change in your mindset, emotional landscape, relationships, health, career, and more.

You Get:

An immersive experience that meets you exactly where you are, while guiding you toward an upleveled life with more confidence, less anxiety, better health, and a purpose-filled passion.

You learn how to re-ignite and trust your own intuition with a master quantum energy healer, intuitive life coach, holistic health coach, and neuroscience-based mindset coach.

Most importantly, you’ll become your own best expert.

  • (12) 90-minute personal Intuitive Healing Coach sessions; 3 per month

  • Voxer (voicenote + text) support, M-F 8am-6pm

  • guided self-awareness development tools (because you can’t change what you don’t see)

  • a limiting belief self-identification process you can practice with help

  • Human Design + Gene Keys readings in a 16-20 page report

  • physical, emotional, mental, spiritual + energetic healing, alignment and upgrading

  • tons of energetic self-care techniques to master during our time together

  • guided intuitive development and integration

  • manifestation mastery

  • carefully curated and customized-just-for-you resources, tools, and homework

When you are better, you attract better.

Quantum Uplevel builds the foundation- the you that’s required- to receive the life you want.

 How is Quantum Uplevel different?

Quantum Uplevel is the deepest of the dives: it’s an Immersion.

The Jump Start Intensive or Ignite Intensive is an excellent place to start. Many clients begin with these options and evolve into Quantum Uplevel. And then there are those who are all-in from the start. Either is ok.


Beyond our weekly session time together, you’ll be in a 4-month one-on-one coaching and mentorship container that’s customized to you. Whether you’ve been doing “the work” for years or are just beginning a self-discovery journey, you’ll be met exactly where you are and guided to uplevel in every area of your life. Because every Quantum Uplevel container is a unique 1:1 experience, you never have to re-learn what you already know or feel lost or behind. You’re exactly where you need to be.

The primary difference between an Intensive and the Quantum Uplevel Immersion is what happens between sessions.

In Quantum Uplevel, you’ll learn and practice tools and techniques every single week. Resources, techniques, and exercises are chosen to facilitate your personal process. In other words: there’s homework. Expect 1-2 hours of homework and learning time weekly, in addition to session time. Your custom-curated worksheets, handouts, and resources will serve you far beyond our time together.

You’ll also get some great bonuses, like Human Design and Gene Keys readings, deep self-awareness exploration through multiple modalities, advanced work in manifestation and much more!

And with high-touch Voxer support included {M-F, 8am-6pm}, you’ll be in almost daily contact with me throughout this mentorship container. This is the real deal.



Quantum Uplevel is a unique, life-changing experience. You can expect me to be ALL-IN with you. And I’ll support and call you forward into being ALL-IN for yourself, even if you do it all scared and shaky.

Even a quantum uplevel starts with a first step.

There may be a waitlist.

What does “quantum” mean?

No more checking boxes and never-ending rotation through healers, therapists, and coaches to “fix” you. I’m teaching you how to be your own best resource.

Tools aren’t the fix. You’re not broken- fixing isn’t what you need. Tools support you in being your truest, most authentic self without all the layers of wounding, patterning, and conditioning stealing the show.

If real change is what you want but haven’t been able to sustain, it’s time to go deeper. This customized healing-coaching-mentorship Immersion is your next best step.