what is “quantum”?

Quantum Physics is the most precise, scientific way of understanding yourself, the world, and how we’re interconnected.

Quantum is who + what we are… and can become.

 Quantum describes the smallest measurable unit of what makes up a human. Smaller than our organs and tissues… smaller than our atoms and their protons, neutrons and electrons… smaller than our subatomic particles {like quarks}…. Quantum physics has proven that we are actually NOT made of teeny tiny particles of matter.


Energy isn’t separate from us- it IS us. We interact with and exchange energy constantly. Even if you don’t “believe” in energy, it’s an indisputable scientific fact: far more than only a physical body, you’re an integrated, energetic being.

Quantum law validates that change in one body {physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic} creates change in all your bodies- in your whole being. You’re not just parts; you’re an integrated system.

This means that healing and mastering your personal energetics affects your state of wellness- just like choosing nutritious foods or addressing your mental health or being in loving, supportive relationships does. It ALL matters and it all must be considered in an integrated way.

As energetic beings in an energetic world, we impact the collective {everyone else} with our own upleveling, just as the whole can affect each of individually. It’s just how energy exchange works. We have a responsibility- not only to ourselves but to one another- to master the self. And mastery is quite different than control.

To master your energy is to master potential… to literally co-create with the universe.

Quantum wellness goes far beyond food pyramids and BMI charts and emotional intelligence and mindset work. You know what matters even more than being healthy?

Being well.

Being well comes from the inside-out to affect each of us and all of us from the top-down and the bottom-up.

Quantum understanding changes everything.

quantum healing

When we shift energy at the quantum level, it changes how you relate to the energies of the people, places, and situations around you. This can literally heal you from the inside-out, beginning at the subatomic level as your cells are bathed in frequencies- either high or low vibrations related to health or dysfunction. When the energetic frequency you exchange with others from is upleveled, fundamental change occurs in you and by extension, the collective consciousness {everyone else}.

You don’t need a fancy degree to observe how this works. It’s all around you if you know how to look for it.

More importantly, when you understand how to work with the quantum field, you can embody the fully integrated being you were created to be.

Quantum healing, because it is based on intention and belief, is sometimes confused with faith-based or new-age philosophy. In fact, quantum physics is the most studied of the sciences. You can read more about what quantum energy healing is- and isn’t- by clicking HERE.