You’re here to live ON purpose, FOR a purpose.
the world needs you.
it’s time to deeply own who you are + what you’re meant for.
Feel stuck or boxed in somehow? Been on a healing journey forever but aren’t where you’d like to be? Feeling adrift, working so hard but not moving forward?
Limiting beliefs about yourself and the world around you emerged initially as self-protection- but no longer serve your highest good. Now they create lack, stuck energy, and imbalance. They’re keeping you from your purpose.
The good news: You can painlessly release limiting beliefs {even those you’re not aware of yet!}, drop anxiety and clarify who you are and what you’re here to do.
It’s NOT because you’ve run out of time or don’t have what it takes.
it’s just time to engage in an intentional process with the right support.
The journey toward knowing your powerful, authentic self requires walking with others who see you- ALL of you- and can call you forward in the way most meaningful for you.
you can:
Heal your health, your relationships, and your life.
Unravel the ways your past is holding you hostage.
Be more present in work and relationships.
Find flow, clarity, and purpose.
you’re meanT for more
You only have to claim it.
is this you?
Doing just “fine” but…
often find yourself getting in your own way.
the life you really want seems just out of reach.
you’re masking anxiety, depression, or extreme stress from friends and family.
your health is declining, and nothing helps anymore.

Even if things mostly work out for you, it requires huge amounts of effort. You’re exhausted.
You find yourself thinking obsessively about the past or worrying about the future, unable to be present and grounded.
You struggle with alternately feeling that there’s more for you and fearing you’ll never get it.
You look pretty good from the outside, but inside there’s a lack of authenticity you can no longer pretend away.
…doing “fine” isn’t good enough anymore, is it?
The ability to uplevel is already yours.
You’re not broken.
Not incapable.
Not less-than.
Not even really lost.
However far off the path it seems you are, you’re exactly where you’re meant to be in this moment.
feel the pull toward more?
Follow it. I’ve got you.
“What I love about Lisa is that she will call you out on something, but in a very loving, "Hey, we all do it" kind of way. Things that you think you are slipping by her, she catches. Every.single.time. For me, Lisa was a better fit than a typical therapist because there were things rooted in me that she helped unlock that no therapy has ever touched.”
Stephanie F.
“There is no greater gift than knowing myself! Lisa guided me to see the real, beautiful, fully whole and capable me. In this new place I am able to express myself fully, stand in strength, set boundaries and understand human behavior. It's liberating stuff! I've done lots of work, but really BEING the work is different. Lisa allowed me to BECOME something more- more me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Megan W.
“Lisa has a way of getting to the heart of things every time. She's easy to talk to, listens exceptionally well, and cuts through the BS but with absolutely no judgment. Every session is remarkably productive and I always feel refreshed and unburdened. I love how the work builds upon itself so I feel stronger going forward and more prepared to meet life. Your life will be better with Lisa in it. Promise.”
Kara S.

intuitive healing coaching
for real change, on every level
physical ⚛︎ emotional ⚛︎ mental ⚛︎ spiritual ⚛︎ energetic